The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on May 2nd and May 3rd. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Amador-Garcia, Claudia - Absconding, Parole Violation
Asbury, Michael Shawn - Fail to Pay Fine (x2)
Atwell, Anthony Glen - Veterans Court Sanctions
Binyon, Monica An - Public Intoxication
Bittle, Dillynne J - Obstructing Governmental Operations
Brand, Shannon Nicole - Fail to Pay Fine
Breedlove, Roy Othel - Hold for US Marshal
Campbell, Tasha Anne - Fail to Pay Fine
Chitwood, David Daniel - DWI III, Driving on Suspended License
Cole, Alexander Lee - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Corley, Jason Dean - Petition to Revoke
Daffron, Floyd Dwayne - Fail to Pay Fine
Dang, Trang Thi Thu - Parole Violation, Possession of Controlled Substance, ACT 570
Dardar, Jordan Matthew - Drug Court Sanctions
Embry, Lawrence Leonard - Contempt
Emery, Stephanie Lynn - Drug Court Sanctions
Enochs, Makayla Breanna - Fail to Pay Fine
Farmer, Amanda Noel - Fail to Pay Fine
Fields, Taryn Deann - Failure to Appear (x2), Fail to Pay Fine, Possession of Controlled Substance
Garcia, Santo C - Obstructing Governmental Operations
Gattis, Zachary Taylor - Petition to Revoke (x2), Fail to Pay Fine (x2)
Gooch, Matthew Eric - Failure to Appear
Greene, Aaron Lee - Fugitive from Justice Out of State, Distribute, Possess, View Matter Depicting Sexually Explicit Conduct Involving a Child
Hall, Angela Ann - Theft of Property - Shoplifting
Heath, Lester Lezen - Fail to Pay Fine (x2), Failure to Appear
Hessling, Jarrod Courtney - ADC Commitment Hold
Higgs, Crystal M - Failure to Appear
Howell, David James - Aggravated Armed Robbery, Obstructing Governmental Operations, Parole Violation, Absconding
Jackson, Brandon Joseph - Fugitive from Justive Out of State
Jackson, Ivan Duane - Loitering
Jacobs, Dalton Scott - DWI II
Johnson, Jimmy Richard - Failure to Appear, Parole Violation
Jones, Anthony Wayne - DWI I
Keen, Richard Oneal - DWI I
Kirk, Rhenda Gail - Failure to Appear
Kursh, Seth Cameron - Failure to Comply with Court Order
Lamberson, Tyler Wayne - Fail to Pay Fine
Latchaw, Thai Anna - Drug Court Sanctions
Lyle, Danny Ray - Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Assist Outside Agency
McBride, Courtney Shay - Petition to Revoke
McFerran, Brian Virgil - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
Medlock, Marcus Dewayne - Failure to Appear
Moore, Katherine Marie - Failure to Comply with Court Order, Fail to Pay Fine
Morais, Stephen David - Hold For US Marshall
Morse, Lucas Steven - Fail to Pay Fine
Needham, Tara Lynne - Failure to Appear
Owen, Miranda Sue - Failure to Comply with Court Order
Padilla, Amber Lynn - Failure to Comply with Court Order, Fail to Pay Fine
Passmore, Justus Wayne - Parole Violation, Absconding
Pennington, Erica Lynn - Failure to Appear
Putman, Miranda Lelynne - Contempt
Rhoden, Prince Noah - Failure to Appear
Richmond, Jonathan Kavon - Aggravated Assault on a Family or Household Member
Roam, Timothy Tyler - Fail to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency
Shores, Lewis Coleman - Public Intoxication, Minor In Possession, Fleeing, Theft of Property
Stewart, Jerhamee Lynn - Theft of Property
Swaffar, Jimmy Delbert - Refusal to Submit to Arrest, Disorderly Conduct, Indecent Exposure
Teas, Mark Anthony - Hold for US Marshal
Warrick, Sybil Glenn - Fugitive From Justice Out of State
Webb, Marcus Anthony - Fail to Pay Fine
Williams, Wilbert Evertt - Fail to Pay Fine
Young, Samantha Kaylia - Theft of Property - Shoplifting
Carapia, Linda Yvette - Assist Outside Agency
Coggins, Michael Andrew - Petition to Revoke
Haas, Daphne Rhodes - Theft of Property 1K-5K
Hodgson, Harley Boyd - Fail to Pay Fine
Posey, Emilie Morgan - Theft of Property - Shoplifting
Sales, Chad Steven - Hold for US Marshal
Stegink, Greg - Disorderly Conduct