The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on March 4th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Baca, Oliverio - Return to Testify, ADC Commitment Hold
Boitel, James Olen - Fail to Pay Fine, Driving on Suspended License
Bontemps, Cathleen Summer - Return to Testify, ADC Commitment Hold
Cerda, Miguel Angel - Failrue to Answer Summons, ICE Hold
Fears, Anthony Dean - Fail to Pay Fine
Gaines, Marie Lashawdon - Failure to Appear
Gasca, Angelia Lynn - Assist Outside Agency
Geels, Jerome David - Failure to Appear
Golden, Samuel Lee - Absconding, Parole Violation
Halpain, Aaron - Domestic Battery
Lawson, Damon Tyrone - Loitering, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Furnishing Prohibited Articles
Moore, Joshua Wayne - Possession Drug Paraphernalia (x2), Possession of Controlled Substance, Assist Outside Agency, Assist Outside Agency, Fugituve from Justice Out of State
Patterson, Mary Kay - Failure to Appear
Payton, Justin Lee - Fail to Pay Fine
Pennington, Kevin Lee Dale - Fail to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency
Phillips, Paul Edward - Failure to Appear (x2), Assist Outside Agency (x4), Driving on Restricted Drivers License
Reed, Leonard - Contempt of Court, Fail to Pay Fine, Possession of Controlled Substance
Roam, Dakotah Blake - Petition to Revoke, Failure to Appear
Romani, Candice Star - Failure to Appear
Wood, Marie Kay - Failure to Appear
Anderson, Danny Lee - Petition to Revoke
Ball, Laurie Ann - Fail to Pay Fine
Cunningham, Amy Lea - Theft of Property-Shoplifting
Delrio, Martin - DWI I, Expired Vehicle License-Expired Tags, No Liability Insurance, Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test
Lunsford, Chasity Rene - Possession of Controlled Substance, Theft of Property-Shoplifting
Martin, Jacob Thomas - Possession of Controlled Substance, Public Intoxication
Moore, Emily Renee - Fugitive from Justice Out of State
Mull, Robert Benjamin - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify