The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on March 12th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Amos, Savannah - Domestic Battery
Andrews, Dwight - Domestic Battery
Beckham, David - Charge Not Available
Black, Donovan - Failure To Pay Fine (x2)
Brandt, Jeffrey - Domestic Battery, Terroristic Threatening, False Imprisonment, Fleeing
Bremer, Amber - Failure To Pay Fine
Bruce, Ronald - Failure To Pay Fine
Clarke, Derrick - DWI II, Driving On Suspended License
Copeland, Kandi - DWI I
Dewitt, Larry - Assist Outside Agency
Elmore, Terry - Criminal Trespassing
Farnam, Joshua - ADC Commitment, Return To Testify
Flud, Donald - Theft Of Property (Shoplifting)
Force, Crystal - Failure To Pay Fine
Gilmore, Toby - Petition To Revoke
Griffin, Matthew - Theft Of Property (Shoplifting)
Harrison, Daniel - Contempt Of Court
Hill, Amber - Failure To Comply With Court Order, Failure To Pay Fine
Jones, Brian - DWI I
Joslin, Charles - Failure To Appear
Laws, Jennifer - Failure To Comply With Court Order
Limon, April - Theft Of Property (Shoplifting)
Mahone, Brittany - ADC Commitment, Return To Testify
Massey, Melissa - Petition To Revoke, Failure To Pay Fine
Maul, Jason - DWI I, Refusal To Submit To Chemical Test
Maxwell, David - Failure To Pay Fine
McClendon, Erika - Failure To Appear
McKnight, Mark - Absconding, Parole Violation
Montoya, Faviola - Failure To Appear
Nguyen, Dai - Contempt Of Court
Peiffer, Thomas - Possession Of Controlled Substance, Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia
Petri, Paige - Public Intoxication
Plymale, Scott - Failure To Appear, Contempt Of Court
Risner, Christopher - Petition To Revoke
Schluterman, Zachary - Failure To Appear
Streetman, Don - Fleeing, Failure To Appear
Teague, Sherman - ADC Commitment, Return To Testify
Thompson, Demetria - Failure To Pay Fine
Todd, Courteney - Failure To Appear, Failure To Pay Fine
Vigil, Juan - Failure To Appear, Failure To Pay Fine
Walters, Librado - Failure To Pay Fine (x2)