The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on January 11th-13th, 2019. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Adams, Billy- Failure to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Alvarado, Antonio- Failure to Pay Fine, Public Intoxication, Refusal to Submit to Arrest (MISD), Obstructing Governmental Operations
Anderson, Gregory- Driving While License Cancelled or Suspended
Atkinson, Blake- Resisting Arrest (MISD), Possession of Schedule I-II Controlled Substance Less than 2g (FELONY), Simultaneous Possession of Drugs and Firearms, Possession of Firearms by Certain Persons (Non Violent), Third Degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor x3, Disorderly Conduct (Hazardous Condition), Second Degree Battery, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance Less than 4oz (MISD)
Avery, Scott- ADC Commitment Hold
Berdahl, Jada- Contempt of Court (Child Support)
Boje, Marcus- DWI (1st Offense), Careless Driving
Brown, Frances- Failure to Pay Fine
Brumley, Joshua- Theft of Property Less than 1K, Refusal to Submit to Arrest (MISD)
Bullock, Sean- Contempt of Court (Child Support), Failure to Pay Fine
Cabalar, Justin- Third Degree Domestic Battering (Purposely)
Chambliss, Dalton- Failure to Appear (MISD), Assist Outside Agency (MISD)
Cottrill, Christopher- Failure to Appear (MISD), Obstructing Governmental Operations (ID)
Curbow, Charles- DWI (1st Offense), Improper Lane Change, Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test (adult)
Daniels, Spencer- Poessession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance Less than 4oz (MISD), Possession of Schedule IV-V Less than 28g (MISD)
Dumas, Felisha- Failure to Pay Fine
Evans, Bernie- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Flanagan, Whitney- Failure to Appear x2
Fronterhouse, Russell- ADC Commitment Hold
George, Carrie- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Gonzales, Joseph- Public Intoxication
Gordon, Willard- Second Degree Domestic Battering (pregnant, purposely)
Grayson, Terry- Aggravated Robbery (armed), Fleeing (on foot), Failure to Appear (MISD)
Grigsby, David- Public Intoxication
Guess, Matthew- Parole Violation, Absconding
Hadnot, Larry- Failure to Appear
Halley, James- Third Degree Domestic Battering (purposely)
Hallum, Marlanna- Failure to Pay Fine x2, Failure to Appear (FELONY)
Harris, Kaylee- Theft of Property Less than 1K
Harshall, Ryan- Parole Violation
Hemsher, Cassaundra- Failure to Pay Fine
Hill, Matthew- Failure to Appear, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Theft By Receiving, Driving While Suspended or Cancelled, No Liability Insurance, Parole Violation
Hobbs, Antonio- Public Intoxication
Hogue, Joshua- Parole Violation, Simulatenous Possession of Drugs and Firearms, Trafficking Schedule I-II Controlled Substance, Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance with the Purpose to Deliver Less than 14g, Possession of Firearms by Certain Persons, Possession of Schedule IV-V Controlled Substance with the Purpose to Deliver Less than 200g
Kelly, Kacy- Failure to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear
Kincannon, Michael- Failure to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear (MISD)
Kinsey, Phillip- Possession of Firearms by Certain Persons, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Lara, Jesus- Second Degree Battery (officer), DWI (1st Offense)
Lee, Charles- Failure to Compy with the Reporting Requirements of the Sex and Child Offender Registration Act, Parole Violation
Lem, Garri- Petition to Revoke (FELONY), Failure to Pay Fine
May, Don- Failure to Appear x2
McCabe, Kathy- DWI (1st Offense), Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test (adult)
McDonald, Amber- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Obstructing Governmental Operations (impair), Fugitive From Justice (out of state)
Mengedoht, Kimberly- Third Degree Battery (purposely)
Moore, Joseph- Petition to Revoke (FELONY), Failure to Pay Fine x2
Morse, David- Failure to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency
Ogdon, Tanner- DWI (1st Offense)
Ollervidez, Ralph- Third Degree Domestic Battering (Purposely), Third Degree Assault on Family or Household Member
Parrish, Albert- Failure to Pay Fine, Absconding, Parole Violation
Peoples, Anthony- Contempt of Court (Child Support), Theft of Property Less than 1K
Phillips, William- Aggravated Assault on Family or Household Member, First Degree Terroristic Threatening, Fleeing (on foot), Petition to Revoke (FELONY)
Rivera, Jasmyne- DWI (1st Offense), Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test (adult), Furnishing a Prohibited Article (correctional facility), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Sananikone, Antonio- Failure to Pay Fine x2
Sartin, Rance- Failure to Appear
Sisk, Jacob- Failure to Appear (FELONY)
Smith, Lance- Failure to Pay Fine, Fugitive from Justice (out of state)
Smith, Rae- First Degree Endangering the Welfare of a Minor (conduct)
Snow, Britney- Third Degree Domestic Battering (Purposely)
St, Michael, Dante- ADC Commitment Hold
Stacey, Michael- Failure to Appear (MISD)
Stilley, Jamie- Drug Court Sanctions
Tanner, Bobby- Failure to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency (FELONY)
Webb, Shea- DWI (1st Offense), Speeding Over Posted Limit
Wetterlund, Anna- Allowing Dog to Run at Large, Cruelty to Animals (1st Offense, Abandon)
Williamson, Brent- Drug Court Sanctions
Witt, Johnnie- Possession of Schedule VI Controlled Substance Less than 4oz (MISD), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia