The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on April 8th and April 9th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Bell, Donna Ann - Burglary, Aggravated Assault on a Family or Household Member
Bohn, Austin Brice - Failure to Appear
Bowman, Jesse Ames - Fail to Pay Fine
Browning, Harley Benjamin - Public Intoxication
Bruce, Ronald Coleman - Failure to Appear (x2)
Carle, Bradley Eric - Fail to Pay Fine
Carter, Lewis Lee - Violation of Health and Safety Act, Failure to Appear
Cottrill, Michael Eugene - Public Intoxication
Cowles, Jodi Dawn - Failure to Appaer, Fail to Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency (x2), Fugitive from Justice Out of State
Davis, William Edward - Petition to Revoke
Duangdara, Bubu - Poss of CS with Intent to Deliver, Poss DP, Main Premises for Drug Activity, Endangering the Welfare of a Minor (x3), Poss of CS
Dunn, Christopher Aaron - Failure to Appear
Dupree, James Allen - Failure to Appear, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
Haneberg, Jackie Shane - Failure to Appear (x3), Fail Pay Fine
Harris, William Earl - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Appear (x3)
Strickland, David Arthur - Driving on Suspended or Revoked License, Failure to Appear (x2)
Tackett, Terry L - DWI II, Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test
Thompson, James Wesley - Fail to Pay Fine, DWI I, Driving on Suspended License, Fail to Pay Fine
Toliver, Ronnie - Petition to Show Cause
Vanderbush, Melissa Sue - Failure to Appear
Vickers, Patricia Danielle - Contempt
Wheeler, Keeton Duane - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify, Fail to Pay Fine
Willis, Luke Anthony - Contempt, Assist Outside Agency, Theft of Property - Shoplifting, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of Controlled Substance
Wilson, Daniel Joe - Fail to Pay Fine, Absconding, Parole Violation
Beaty, Kimberly G - Failure to Appear, Contempt of Court
Bruns, Samuel Charles - Possessing Instrument of a Crime, Public Intoxication
Chavez-Rodriguez, Simon - Failure to Appear
Davis, Nicole Marie - Mental Hold, Public Intoxication
Dugan, Dakota James - Possession of Controlled Substance
Sharum, Sally Elizebeth - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Comply with Court Order
Smith, Brandon - Failure to Answer Summons
Stewart, Jerhamee Lynn - Failure to Appear (x3), Theft of Property - Shoplifting
Taylor, Charles Edward - Failure to Appear
Turner, Dustin Ray - Domestic Battery
Turner, Gina Leann - Domestic Battery
Turner, Kayla Marie - Domestic Battery
Vanness-Hauf, Natasha A - Theft of Property - Shoplifting