The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on April 30th through May 1st. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Beneux, Riley - DWI I
Black, Fredricka Eugene - Failure to Comply with Court Order
Bolin, Elizabeth - Failure To Appear
Bolin, Kyle Wayne - Crimnal Trespassing
Brignac, Jacoby Alan - Failure to Appear
Carmago-Yepez, Giovanni - ICE Hold
Chizmar, Robin - Failure To Appear
Cole, Darius Marcel - Possession of Controlled Substance, Drinking in Public
Cranford, David - Failure To Appear, Failure To Pay Fine
Crossno, John Frank - Burglary, Carrying a Weapon, Fleeing, Resisting Arrest
Duranzo, Hannah Gabrielle - Failure to Appear
Elmore, Ethan Chavez - Theft of Property
Farwell, Jordan - Public Intoxication, Loitering
French, Rebecca - Failure To Pay Fine
Fuentas, Vanessa - Hold For US Marshal
Gothard, Jason - Driving On Suspended License
Gothard, William - Obstructing Governmental Operations, Resisting Arrest
Guevara, Sarina - Theft Of Property
Hagar, Waker - Failure To Pay Fine
Halbrook, Eric - ADC Commitment, Return To Testify
Harris, Thomas - Failure To Comply With Court Order
Hilburn, Melinda Regena - Possession of Controlled Substance (x2), Failure to Appear, Assist Outside Agency, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Hollenbeck, Thomas William - Violation of a Protection Order
Holsapple, Mary - Hot Check Violation, ADC Commitment
Honea, David - Failure To Appear
Hughes, Jiy Wian - Domestic Battery
Jett, Rebekah Faith - Fail to Pay Fine
Jones, Jerry Dan - Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Maintainging Premises for Drug Sales, Parole Violation
Jones, Ronee Loa - Failure to Comply with Court Order
Kollar, Emmalea Lynn - Failure to Appear
Maden, Jacob - Failure To Pay Fine, Failure To Appear
Maloy, Anthony - DWI I, Endangering Welfare Of A Minor
Martin, Anthony - ADC Commitment, Return To Testify
Martinez, Anthony - Petition to Revoke
Mathis, Aaron - Failure To Pay Fine
Mays, Casey - Assist Outside Agency
Maza-Lazaro, Juvenal - ICE Hold
McAllister, Candice Louse - Failure to Appear
McGee, Jacob - Fleeing, Public Intoxication
Mclaughlin, Matthew Christopher - Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Public Intoxication
Morrison, Kole Thomas - Failure to Comply with Court Order, Fail to Pay Fine
Nicholas, Gregg - Hold For US Marshal
Ovalle-Solares, Luis - ICE Hold
Palmer, Sean - Failure To Appear, Failure To Pay Fine
Perkins, Brevin Seth - Petition to Revoke
Pike, Jamie Leigh - Fail to Pay Fine
Price, Christopher Ryan - Failure to Appear (x2)
Pugh, Cameron Christian - Theft of Property, Theft by Receiving, Failure to Comply with Court Order
Riddle, Kaitlyn - Failure To Appear (x2)
Robins, Stanley Leroy - Parole Violation, Absconding, Theft of Property - Shoplifting, Fail to Pay Fine, Theft of Property- All Other, Unlawful Removal of Theft Detect Device
Russell, Leon - Failure To Pay Fine
Sayavong, Michael Ray - Theft by Receiving, Forgery, Failure to Appear (x3), Contempt of Court, Fail to Pay Fine
Schlude, Lawrence - Parole Violation, Absconding
Simpson, Vernon - Absconding, Parole Violation
Smith, Linnea Dawn - Possession of a Controlled Substance, Obstructing Governmental Operations
Smith, Tessa Marie - Endangering the Welfare of a Minor
Stanbrough, Jeffery - Hold For US Marshal
Stotts, Carolyn - Fugitive From Justice
Taylor, Randy - Failure To Pay Fine
Tripp, Deandre Joseph - ADC Commitment Hold
Trubov, Gabriel - Hold For US Marshal
Tzaj, Juan - ICE Hold
Vidal-Rivas, Milton - ICE Hold
Waters, Tracy Lee - Public Intoxication
Watts, Trista - Public Intoxication
Weaver, Van - Hold For US Marshal
White, Tiffanie - Failure To Appear (x2), Parole Violation
Wilkins, Alisha - Failure To Pay Fine
Winters, William Waylon - Burglary, Failure to Appear
Wooden, Cody James - Petition to Revoke
Worthington, Nancy Marie - Theft of Property - Shoplifting, Criminal Trespassing
Aaron, Amber Evonne - Failure to Appear, Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Main Premises for Drug Activity
Butler, David Lloyd - Failure to Appear (x2), Assist Outside Agency
Corley, Amber Nicole - Petition to Revoke
Glass, Raven Elizabeth - Resisting Arrest, Theft of Property - Shoplifting, Resisting Arrest
Grabowski, Angela - Criminal Trespassing Vehicle or Structure
Holmes, Charles Arnold - Driving on Suspended License, No Liability Insurance