The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on April 27th through the 29th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Bankston, Aleisha Marie - Failure to Appear, Assist Outside Agency
Benson, Addison - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Brunk, Michael Seaton - Veterans Court Sanctions
Butler, Nora Grace - Failure to Appear
Carroll, Aaron Wayne - Contempt of Court
Cortez, Jessica - Disorderly Conduct
Cox, Brandon Lee - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
Douglas, Mikaela Danielle - Domestic Battery
Douglas, Ryan Michael - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Duncan, Angel Marie - Failure to Comply with Court Order (x3), Fail to Pay Fine
Dutton, Roger Dale - Public Intoxication
Fantauzzi, Ashley Brianna - Possession of Controlled Substance
Fight, Kelly Lee - Failure to Appear, Violation of Hot Check Lwa, Failure to Appear
Flaherty, Andy Wayne - Failure to Appear (x2), Surrender Off Bond
Frazier, Daniel - Parole Violation, Absconding
Gentry, Anastasia Aileen - Public Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct
Gish, Christopher David - Contempt of Court
Godsby, Joshua Lee - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Tesitfy
Goldman, Daniel Evan - DWI I
Graham, Scottie Don - Public Intoxication
Gray, Misty Dawn - Absconding, Parole Violation, Obstructing Governmental Operations
Heath, Stanley Earl - Fugitive From Justice Out of State
Howington, Cathy Jo - Drug Court Sanctions
Humphrey, Sean Thomas - Contempt of Court
Isom, Eddie Michael - Possession of Controlled Substance, Absconding, Parole Violation
Jackson, Alize DeJour - Fail to Pay Fine
Jordan, Victoria Lee - Failure to Appear, Filing a False Police Report
Kilpatrick, Jennifer Denise - Public Intoxication
Kukla, Jacqueline Lee - Public Intoxication, Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine
Ladd, Joshua W - DWI I, Driving on Suspended License, Careless or Prohibited Driving
Magness, Deborah Jean - Fail to Pay Fine
Manning, Jeffery Bryant - Fail to Pay Fine
Massey, Johnny Wayne - Failure to Appear, Theft by Receiving
McDowell, Craig Allen - Failure to Appear, Assist Outside Agency
Nading, Naomi - Fail to Pay Fine, Failure to Comply with Court Order
Olivarez, Hector - Failure to Comply with Court Order
Owens, Roderick Dewayne - Theft of Property - Shoplifting
Parker, Larry Eugene - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Peoples, Leon Silas - Failure to Appear
Phanaphay, Phoukhaou Phil - Fail to Pay Fine, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of Controlled Substance
Powell, Aubrey Ann - Fail to Pay Fine
Reyna, Julie Ann - Failure to Appear
Roberts, Shawna Leann - Crimnal Trespassing Vehicle or Structure
Rogers, Marlin Vann Martin - Theft of Property - Shoplifting
Sanders, Trent Tyler - Public Intoxication, Loitering
Selph, Randall Joe - Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Possession Drug Paraphernalia, Parole Violation
Sivage, Christopher Dewayne - Petition to Revoke
Sizemore, Jamie Louise - Drug Court Sanctions
Smith, Kristy Nichole - Assist Outside Agency
Sosebee, Kyle Stephen - Theft of Property - Shoplifting
Steward, Rex Cole - Failure to Appear, Assist Outside Agency
Stone, Brenda - Criminal Trespassing Vehicle or Structure
Summers, Matthew Wayne - Fail to Pay Fine (x2)
Symonds, David Austin - Fail to Pay Fine
Thompson, Trevor Allen - Failure to Appear, Fail to Pay Fine, Furnishing Prohibited Articles, Possession of Controlled Substance (x2), Possession Drug Paraphernalia
West, Tavonta Dewayne - Crimnal Trespassing Vehicle or Structure
Wheeler, Keeton Duane - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Whitham, Shienne Taylor - Failure to Answer Summons, Fail to Pay Fine
Willis, Muriel - Aggravated Assault on a Family or Household Member
Winters, Roland Gene - Petition to Revoke
Yager, Brianda Marie - Public Intoxication
Arsola, Eric Daniel - Disorderly Conduct
Baker, Jerrod Tristan - ADC Commitment Hold, Return to Testify
Carter, Brandon Lee - Public Intoxication
Castrillo, Jose - ICE Hold
Cordero, Martha Aideth - DWI I
Davidson, Kareen Michele - Theft of Property
Gentry, Jane K - Theft of Property - Shoplifting
Hanesana, Arnold Sam - Public Intoxication
Hendricks, Jesse - Violation of Hot Check Law
Hernandez-Orozco, Jesus - Aggravated Assault, Domestic Battery, Terroristic Threatening, Endandering the Welfare of A Minor (x2), Resisting Arrest, ICE Hold
Hobbs, Masion Phillip - Public Intoxication, Fail To Pay Fine, Assist Outside Agency
Hudson, Lacy Irene - DWI I
Humphries, Nickolas - Disorderly Conduct, Public Intoxication
Impson, Cynthia Ann - Fail to Pay Fine
Lansdell, James Bryan - DWI I
Laymon, Brett Allen - DWI I, Wrong Way on One Way Street
Madsen, Richard Allen - DWI I, Driving Left of Center
Rakhshani, Mina Marie - Endangering Welfare of a Minor
Randolph, Vickie Rene - Theft by Receiving
Rodriguez, Victoriana - Failure to Appear
Rush, Matthew - Crimnal Trepassing Vehicle or Structure
Selph, Jennifer Lynn - Possession of Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Possession Drug Paraphernalia
Sivage, Tiffany Ann - Disoderly Conduct
Stanley, Melinda Sue - ADC Commitment Hold
Swafford, Zachery Taylor - Failure to Appear
Taylor, David - Failure to Appear, Petition to Revoke, Possession of Firearms by Certain Persons, Fleeing, Absconding, Parole Violation
Treaster, Micheal - Public Intoxication, Loitering