Motorists in Arkansas and Oklahoma are enjoying some of the nation’s lowest gas prices headed into the summer travel months.

According to the AAA website, Oklahoma prices are second lowest in the nation with an average statewide price of $2.04 per gallon on Monday.

Arkansas was ranked sixth lowest in the land with an average of $2.09 per gallon.

Those prices are compared with an average of $2.32 per gallon in a nationwide survey of all fifty states.

The Oklahoma price was the lowest in that state since May and trails just South Carolina on the chart with an average of $2.00.

After South Carolina and Oklahoma, Alabama is listed at $2,.05, Mississippi and Tennessee check in at $2.07 followed by Arkansas. Virginia ($2.11)Missouri ($2.12), Louisiana ($2.13) and Kansas ($2.14) round out the 10 lowest prices as the south trends .18 to .32 less than the rest of the country.

With the exception of Pennsylvania, New York and Rhode Island the highest prices are located in a seven-state block on the western side of the nation. California has the highest price in the country at $3.04 per gallon, the only state where prices are over $3.00.

Officials say prices are lower due to an unexpected buildup of crude oil combined with ongoing high gasoline production runs, an increase in gasoline stocks and a drop in gasoline demand.


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