Jason Miller

A 41-year old Alma man is dead and a 31-year old man is in custody at the Crawford County Detention Center after an apparent incident of road rage led to the arrest of a Pettigrew man on a second-degree felony murder charge.

Police say that Jason Clock Miller of Alma died when the 2007 Yamaha he was driving east on Intersate 40 slammed into the back of a 1998 Dodge truck driven by Lawrence Finn.

Finn reportedly slammed on his brakes abruptly while driving in front of Miller, who he claimed was tailgating him.

The incident occurred neat the seven-mile marker of I40 at 11;24 on Wednesday according to the fatal crash summary posted by trooper Matt Price.

Pending further investigation, Crawford County prosecutor Marc McCune, who said the accident appears to be the result of “road rage,” said charges could be reduced to manslaughter or negligent homicide after a review of the facts.

Video footage of the accident from Finn’s truck was obtained by law enforcement and was under review on Wednesday afternoon.

Finn was being held at the CCDC without bond on Wednesday afternoon.

Friends and family have set up a GoFundMe account (https://www.gofundme.com/help-after-unexpected-loss) in Miller’s name in an effort to offset funeral expenses.

Miller leaves behind a wife, Tina, and five children.


  1. So what ever happened with this video footage? I’m curious to know if Finn was driving aggressively as witnesses say or if he really just tapped his break like he claims to get out of the murder charge…I personally think that he slammed them due to the fact that Mr Miller is deceased…a brake “tap” shouldn’t involve a death with such horrific injuries. Pick your battles in life people my goodness! Was all that worth it?! My condolences to the family so awful!


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