BARLING- If you are interested in participating in National Drug Take Back Day, the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office has announced they will be partnering with the Barling Police Department to provide a location to dispose of unused prescription medication.

Both departments will be operating a take back location at Barling City Hall on 307 Fort Street from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM on Saturday April 26th, 2019.

The drugs collected from the location will be gathered by the DEA for safe disposal.

The last Drug Take Back Day in October of last year collected almost 500 tons of unused prescriptions nationwide.

“Drug Take Back Day is a safe and responsible way to dispose of unused medications,” stated Captain Pevehouse with the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Office.

” It is not safe or environmentally friendly to dispose of these prescriptions on your own.  Also, it is not safe to leave these medications in your home as they can be become abused, misused, or stolen.”

If you miss your opportunity to attend the event on Saturday, there are unused prescription drug depositories at the Sheriff’s offices in Fort Smith and in Greenwood.



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