Two Russellville establishments were targeted by scammers who threatened terrorist acts if money wasn’t exchanged. Our content partners at The Local Rundown reported Monday that both Arkansas Trading and Loan, and the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church were sent faxes that indicated bombs would go off if money wasn’t sent expediently.

According to TLR, the following message was sent:

“Good Morning, I’ll be brief. I installed several explosives in the building. If you do not send in the amount of $25,000 by May 31st I will blow up this whole block. If you try to contact the police, I’ll know. I also have access to your computers and email addresses. Go to the nearest Western Union agency and send the amount to Emerson Eduardo Rodrigues Setim. The passport number is FO645170. It’s a Brazilian passport. The city that the money will be withdraw is Chicago, Illinois, USA. Do as I say and no one will get hurt. P.S. I repeat if you try to contact the police I will known.”

The threats were sent on May 27th and May 30th respectively.


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