The persons listed were booked into the Sebastian County Detention Center on November 7th. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. All photos are public record and obtained through the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department.
Brandon Louallen - Failure To Pay Fine
Brittany Mendoza - Failure To Appear, Petition To Revoke
Chester Franklin - Hot Check Violation (x2)
Chrisana Hill - Failure To Appear, Petition To Revoke
Christopher Cruse - Petition To Revoke
Curtis Kolb - Parole Violation
Derek Truett - Failure To Appear
Frank Maldonado - Public Intoxication
Jacqueline Kukla - Public Intoxication
Jamey Dodson - Contempt Of Court
Jesse Hickox - Criminal Impersonation
Jessica Morse - Failure To Appear
Jorge Galicia-Oblea - ICE Hold
Joshua Brown - Delivery of Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Judy Stephens - Delivery of Controlled Substance
Keithan Norris - Obstructing Governmental Operations, Failure To Appear
Levi Daniels - Petition To Revoke
Levi Woodey - Theft By Receiving
Marcus Jackson - Contempt Of Court
Mark Sanders - Failure To Pay Fine (x2), ADC Commitment
Marlanna Hallum - Failure To Pay Fine
Michael White - Assist Outside Agency
Ron Lowe - ADC Commitment
Rudy Adre - Failure To Appear
Sammy Abass - Petition To Revoke
Samuel Stringer - Battery Third Degree
Sanja Alverson - Failure To Appear
Sasha Tinson - Public Intoxication
Stacy Fleming - Failure To Comply With Court Order
Steve Meadows - Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Susanne Kremers-Gallardo - Criminal Mischief
Terry Whitmore - ADC Commitment
William Sprabery - Contributing To Delinquency Of A Minor