BAUXITE - A Benton teenager has been identified after drowning in a “blue hole” near Bauxite, after diving from a cliff. 18 year old Chance Armstrong was found Tuesday afternoon, about thirty feet deep into the water.

The Saline Courier reports that recovery personnel began searching for Armstrong at 4:30 p.m. Monday after deputies were dispatched to the 3400 block of Mount Olive Road in Bauxite in reference to a drowning incident in the area.

SCSO Lt. Daniel Dodson told the newspaper Monday that a group of individuals who were illegally swimming in the hole told deputies that Armstrong jumped from a high cliff and never resurfaced after entering the water.

“They said they were hollering for him not to jump,” Dodson said.

Recovery efforts were suspended about 8:30 p.m. Monday and resumed at 7 Tuesday morning.

Investigators said the water temperature and the current contributed to the time it took to locate the body.


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