Did you know that in a short period of time, InsideFortSmith.Com has become the #1 website in the area among online or print newspapers?
In a day and time when so many news organizations have decided to focus on Northwest Arkansas, we decided to create an online, mobile friendly website that would bring you the daily news, weather, and sports in Fort Smith and the Arkansas River Valley. When you want to find out about what is happening in our hometown, you can log on to InsideFortSmith.Com to see the latest in daily happenings.
We do everything a newspaper does, except for print it! And we have marketing packages that will fit every need and budget. Sometimes, we even have marketing campaigns that are as inexpensive as a night on the town!
Each month, SimilarWeb.Com uses traffic data gathered from every website in America to determine the visitor count and traffic information. In March 2017, as you can see from the information below, InsideFortSmith.Com was the leader of the pack when it came to not only the newspaper websites
For more information, feel free to call us!
Grant Merrill
(479) 274-8851
[email protected]
Dennis McCaslin
General Sales Manager
(479) 461-0126
[email protected]